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- Call for information between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm.


- To make an appointment with the Apostle Elena Posarelli call from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm on the number:

333 1069586

Info & Hours

Counseling Center and Personal Consultations (with members of Leadership) - Boccea HQ, Mondays from 6:00 PM


  • Monday at 8:00 PM (Velletri HQ) - House of Prayer followed by Receive Your Miracle

  • Monday at 8:30 PM (Boccea HQ) - Receive Your Miracle followed by House of Prayer

  • Monday at 9:00 PM (Ariccia HQ) - House of Prayer


Our Offices

Our offices extend across every region of Italy, bringing the light of faith to different communities. Apostle Elena Posarelli personally leads the offices of Boccea (RM), Ariccia (RM) and Velletri (RM), bringing her dedication and leadership to these locations.

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